What is the Probate Process?

  1. What is the Probate Process?

    What is the Probate Process? What is probate anyway? Probate is the legal process for authenticating a deceased person’s will, reviewing their assets, paying their outstanding debts and taxes, and distributing what remains to their inheritors. After an asset-holder dies, the court will appoint a valid will’s executor to administer the probate process. In the […]

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  2. Yes, You Need a Will

    Yes, You Need a Will. In this video, Kristen Mackintosh, The Happy Lawyer, talks about wills. She addresses some reasons why people need estate planning. Listen and learn. This video is part of The Happy Lawyer’s Weekly “Happy Lawyer Talks.” If you like this video, please like our youtube channel where you can catch all […]

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  3. Should you write your own will?

    Can I write a will? Yes. You can write your own will. But should you? Watch and learn why you may want to reconsider this idea…

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  4. Who Will Take Care of My Children If I Die?

    As a parent, have you ever wondered what would happen to your children if you and your spouse or significant other die while your children are still minors?  Well, if you don’t have a will stating whom you want to be the guardians of your children, then the State will decide who takes care of […]

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  5. Pitfalls Of Handwritten “Do It Yourself” Wills

    As an Estate Planning law firm, we often have potential clients who ask us why they cannot simply write a handwritten will rather than pay an attorney to draft a will for them.  While North Carolina does recognize handwritten or holographic wills (provided they meet the necessary requirements), there are some dangers in relying on […]

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