Why You Should Review Your Estate Plan

  1. Why You Should Review Your Estate Plan

    Why You Should Review Your Estate Plan Congratulations, you completed your estate plan. You can now relax. You have nothing to worry about anymore, right? Sure, that’s one way to think about it. However, let’s talk about why you should review your estate plan. As we all know, life happens. There is really nothing we […]

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  2. Why You Might Want to go through probate

    Should You Avoid Probate? Why You Might Want To Go Through Probate Avoiding probate is a common goal for individuals deciding how they want their money and property to be handled when they pass. It is a worthy one and is regularly promoted by estate planning attorneys across the nation. However, probate is not an […]

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  3. What is the Probate Process?

    What is the Probate Process? What is probate anyway? Probate is the legal process for authenticating a deceased person’s will, reviewing their assets, paying their outstanding debts and taxes, and distributing what remains to their inheritors. After an asset-holder dies, the court will appoint a valid will’s executor to administer the probate process. In the […]

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  4. Life Happens: Are you and your adult child prepared for life’s emergencies? Click to view webinar.

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  5. Tales From the Crypt: Avoiding Estate Planning Nightmares. Click to view webinar.

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  6. Should you write your own will?

    Can I write a will? Yes. You can write your own will. But should you? Watch and learn why you may want to reconsider this idea…

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  7. We Launched Our New Law Firm Website

    We are excited to announce the launch of our newly redesigned website. When we chose to update the Schweizer & Associates website, we partnered with TheeDigital, a law firm web design and legal marketing agency. We tasked them with creating a website that showcases our expertise and values as a leading law firm, is visible […]

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