Incapacity Planning

  1. Incapacity Planning

    Incapacity Planning for Loved Ones Financial Oversight for a Loved One Banking and bill-paying can become more challenging with age. And, incapacitation by accident or sudden illness can strike anyone and at any age, creating the same challenges. Incapacity is not just about mental cognition, accident, or illness. You may have a loved one who […]

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  2. How to Prepare for Your Aging Parent’s Care

    How to Prepare for Your Aging Parent’s Care Your Aging Parent and How to Prepare for Their Care Every situation providing care for an aging parent is unique. However, one truism is that preparation is crucial to success. Do you need basic information about eldercare resources and services? Are you looking for a local agency […]

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  3. Caregiving in a Time of Crisis

    Caregiving in a Time of Crisis A caregiver tending to a loved one, a care partner, during a crisis is challenging, and the continuing COVID-19 pandemic deems that being prepared is more important than ever before. Caregivers must balance the need for their care partner’s health and balance it with that person’s safety. As the […]

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  4. Medicaid Crisis Planning

    When is Medicaid Crisis Planning Appropriate We are all getting older whether we like it or not. And, we are living longer, too. So, our chances of ending up in a nursing home have increased. Most of us are not prepared to private pay for nursing home care. And, we often don’t think about paying […]

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