How to Own Your Real Estate

  1. How to Own Your Real Estate

    How to Own Your Real Estate How to own your real estate is a question many people ask. You see, real estate encompasses not only one’s primary residence but also other real estate such as a vacation home or a rental property. The ideal form of ownership varies depending on the type of real estate […]

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  2. You Just Might Need a Real Estate Lawyer

    Happy Talks by The Happy Lawyer: You Just Might Need a Real Estate Lawyer You just might need a real estate lawyer. Who thinks hiring a real estate lawyer might be a good idea? If you are on the fence or are not sure of the answer, might we suggest watching this video. Still unsure […]

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  3. Yes, You Need A Real Estate Attorney

    The Happy Lawyer Talk: Yes, You Need a Real Estate Lawyer Have you ever wondered when you might need a real estate lawyer? Or, perhaps you are wondering IF you need a real estate lawyer? Perhaps you are even thinking what is a real estate lawyer? Have no fear, in this video, Kristen Mackintosh, The […]

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  4. When Do You Need a Real Estate Lawyer?

    When do you need a real estate lawyer? Good question. I am so glad you asked. Let me tell you when you may need a real estate lawyer. But, before I do that, let me explain what a real estate lawyer is. What Exactly is a Real Estate Lawyer? I know, I know. Right now […]

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  5. How To Know When It Is Time To Downsize

    How To Know When It Is Time To Downsize How to know when it is time to downsize is a question many of my clients wonder. “I cannot keep up the yardwork.” “I have too many rooms to clean.” I hear these comments a lot from my older clients. I always say in response, “maybe […]

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  6. What is Commercial Property Anyway?

    What is Commercial Property Anyway? What is commercial property? Commercial property relates to a structure, property, or land used for business. This includes office buildings, shopping centers, apartment buildings, and vacant property that is zoned for business development.  Commercial property is used for business purposes. Commercial property may consist of buildings for businesses to operate. […]

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