Are you and your children prepared for COVID if you become incapacitated? You need to prepare for Covid care of your children.
COVID-19 is a reality that just does not seem to be going away anytime soon. You take all the proper precautions: you wear a mask, you wash your hands frequently, you avoid shaking hands. But how many of you are prepared with having the appropriate estate planning documents in place if you do get COVID?
We spend a lot of time taking precautions to help us prevent getting COVID. But that same precaution should be taken with our estate planning in the event that we do get COVID. Hopefully you won’t get COVID but what if you do? Are you prepared? Have your prepared for your family if you are ill with COVID and unable to do so?
If you do become ill with COVID and become unable to participate in your health care decisions, do you have a Health Care Power of Attorney in place? If you do, does your agent know what you would like done if you are hooked up to a ventilator? Would your agent know whether or not you should be hooked up to a ventilator if you have previously stated in your living will that you do not wish any life saving measures be taken if you are seriously ill? Would having COVID change your opinion?
Some of my clients are having me address this very specific situation in their Health Care Powers of Attorney and Living Wills. Other clients I encourage to have those heart to heart conversations with their health care agents. A health care agent needs to know what effect, if any, COVID, would have on your health care decisions.
Having a Durable Power of Attorney in place would allow bills to be paid on your behalf. And let’s not forget your children. Who will take care of your children in the event you are unable to do so? Did you know that you can execute a Power of Attorney for Minor Children allowing a person you name to care for your children for a limited time if you are unable to do so?
Have you made arrangements for your pets to be taken care of if you are transported to the hospital?
These are some of the questions an estate planning attorney can help you address and make the necessary arrangements so that you and your loved ones will be protected in the event of COVID or some other catastrophe. The Happy Lawyer at Schweizer and Associates understands that everyone has different needs and concerns. Those differences are why The Happy Lawyer does not believe in a “one-size fits all” estate plan. The Happy Lawyer will spend the time with you to find out your unique concerns and wishes. The Happy Lawyer will then craft a plan just for you.
Need more information about estate planning documents? Need more information to prepare for Covid care of your children. Contact Schweizer & Associates at (919) 792-8745 or check out our website at www.nclegalcounsel.com.