Eat That Frog – Stop Procrastinating and Get Your Will Done
Raise your hand if you have a will? Is your hand not raised? Are you looking furtively over your shoulder to see anyone notices?
Don’t worry if you do not have a will. You are in good company as recent statistics state that around 60% of people do not have a will.
Now, this does not mean you should pat yourself on the back knowing that you are not alone. No, sir. What this means is now is the time to get your will done!
Are you a “there’s always tomorrow” person? Got news for you, life happens and you may not have a tomorrow. Tomorrow is ALWAYS a day away as Little Orphan Annie sings. So, stop procrastinating. Get your will done now. Then, you can cross it off your to do list.
Or, maybe you have a fear of dying if you execute your will. Believe it or not, some people say they don’t want to sign a will because they are going to die when they do. News flash: all of us are going to die at some point. However, statistically speaking, you are most likely going to die right after you sign your will. So, conquer your fear and get your will done.
Perhaps its cost holding you back. Yes, estate planning can be expensive. But, let me ask you this, how much did you spend on your last car? Vacation? All of those items do not last forever. However, your estate plan does. So, your money is well spent when you spend it on estate planning. But, your loved ones will thank you.
So, whatever your reason for procrastination, get your will done. You will feel so much better afterward.