Did you know that when your child turns 18, health care providers do not have to communicate with you about your child’s medical records or medical decisions? It does not matter if you are paying health insurance for your child.
So what happens if your child is an accident and is unable to make medical decisions for himself? Or, what if your child suffers a traumatic brain injury or otherwise becomes disabled?
Unless your child had executed a Health Care Power of Attorney, you most likely will not be able to make medical decisions on behalf of your child. Now, some medical providers will bend the rules but do you want to take that chance?
If your child has turned 18, or is over 18, you may want to talk to him about getting a Heath Care Power of Attorney. The time to prepare one is before you need one. So, don’t wait. Make this a part of your back to school preparations.
The Happy Lawyer is experienced in working with young adults and making the process less scary.
Want to learn more? Check out our blog post.